
Please review the STN Hotel Grid for more details on each hotels booking requirements. All hotels require schools confirm their booking with a rooming list by Friday, January 10 or else the rooms will be released back into the STN block for other schools to book. Hotels will charge a one night penalty after the 60 days has passed if schools do not confirm the rooming list. Rates do not include taxes and hotel fees. For more on hotel location, check out the Tampa Hotel Map.

If you are planning to book dates outside of the official convention dates (i.e.- shoulder dates), there are only a limited number of shoulder date rooms available at the STN rate and could effect the availability of a hotel. Please try another hotel before contacting STN regarding extending shoulder dates.

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planning simple and
give back to STN.

For every school that books convention travel with WorldStrides/Specialty Travel Programs, a donation is made to support educational initiatives—all while making it easier for teachers to plan their trip. Stress-free planning, meaningful impact. Contact them today!

TRAVEL REQUEST FORM | Phone: 951-966-8877

Savannah Leneker